2-E Plumbing, , Lampasas, TX, 76550-0000, others miscellaneous retail

U.S Construction Contractors Texas Construction Contractors Texas - List of United States Construction Contractors

2-E Plumbing

Company Name: 2-E Plumbing
Status: Active
State: Texas
Post: 76550-0000
County: Lampasas
City: Lampasas
Phone: (512)556-8341
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 171105 Industry group: Construction-special Trade Contractors, Business category: Others Miscellaneous Retail
Employees: 3
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 438,000
Overall: 2-E Plumbing is a business categorized under others miscellaneous retail, which is part of the larger category construction-special trade contractors. 2-E Plumbing is located at the address in Lampasas, Texas 76550-0000. You can contact by phone (512)556-8341.
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